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- //
- //
- // Logic for Tug of War Based games
- main:
- // spawn an actor to make sure we cache in all of our animations for TOW maps
- local.dummyactor = spawn "models/human/allied_pilot.tik" origin (0 0 0)
- local.dummyactor hide
- local.dummyactor notsolid
- local.dummyactor ai_off
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // initialization thread...
- //-----------------------------------------------
- bomb_thinker local.planting_team local.relay:
- // Steve says planting time = 6 seconds
- // defusing time = 12 second
- // tick time = 36 seconds
- level.bomb_defuse_time = 60 //tenths of a second
- level.bomb_set_time = 50 //tenths of a second
- level.bomb_tick_time = 15 //seconds (was 60 seconds, then 30 seconds)
- level.bomb_explosion_radius = 1054 //quake units
- level.bomb_use_distance = 128 //quake units
- level.bomb_damage = 200
- level.bombusefov = 30
- level.planter = NULL
- level.StopBomb = 0
- level.subtitleX = 100
- level.subtitleY = 50
- self.exploded = 0
- self.planting_team = local.planting_team
- if( self.planting_team == "allies" )
- {
- self.defusing_team = "axis"
- }
- else
- {
- self.defusing_team = "allies"
- }
- self.relay = local.relay
- println "----------------------Z-----------------------"
- println "self.planting_team = " self.planting_team
- println "self.defusing_team = " self.defusing_team
- println "self = " self
- println "self.target (flak 88 or other) = " self.target
- println "self.target.destroyed_model = " self.target.destroyed_model
- println "self.target.target (collision entity) = " self.target.target
- println "self.trigger_name = " self.trigger_name
- println "self.exploder_set = " self.exploder_set
- println "self.explosion_fx = " self.explosion_fx
- println "self.explosion_sound = " self.explosion_sound
- println "self.killarea = " self.killarea
- println "self.relay = " self.relay
- println "----------------------Z-----------------------"
- self.target.collisionent = self.target.target
- self.target notsolid
- thread bomb_waittill_set
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //first thread... controls allies using the trigger
- //-----------------------------------------------
- bomb_waittill_set:
- self model items/pulse_explosive.tik
- local.tickIndex = 0
- while ( $(self.trigger_name) )
- {
- println "waittill trigger " self.trigger_name
- self.trigger_name waittill trigger
- local.player = parm.other
- //"local.player.dmteam", can be 'spectator', 'freeforall', 'allies' or 'axis'
- if (local.player.dmteam != self.planting_team)
- {
- goto bomb_waittill_set
- println "failed dmteam check" local.player.dmteam
- }
- local.counter = 0
- while ( (Isalive local.player) && (local.player cansee self level.bombusefov level.bomb_use_distance) && (local.player.useheld == 1) && (level.StopBomb == 0) )
- {
- if (local.counter == 0)
- {
- local.player stopwatch (level.bomb_set_time * .1)
- }
- local.counter++
- if( (local.counter % 10) == 0 )
- {
- switch( local.tickIndex )
- {
- case 0:
- self playsound bomb_prime1
- break;
- case 1:
- self playsound bomb_prime2
- break;
- case 2:
- self playsound bomb_prime3
- break;
- case 3:
- self playsound bomb_prime4
- break;
- case 4:
- self playsound bomb_prime5
- break;
- case 5:
- self playsound bomb_prime6
- break;
- }
- local.tickIndex++
- }
- wait .1
- if (local.counter >= level.bomb_set_time)
- {
- if( local.player.dmteam == "allies" )
- {
- iprintlnbold "The Allies have Planted a Bomb!"
- }
- else if( local.player.dmteam == "axis" )
- {
- iprintlnbold "The Axis have Planted a Bomb!"
- }
- else
- {
- iprintlnbold "A Bomb has been Planted!"
- }
- if (local.planting_team == "allies")
- {
- self playsound dfr_objective_o
- }
- else
- {
- self playsound den_objective_o
- }
- //remember who planted the bomb
- level.planter = local.player
- thread bomb_waittill_defuse
- thread bomb_waittill_explode
- self.live = 1
- end
- }
- }
- if (local.counter > 0)
- {
- local.player stopwatch 0
- }
- println "usetrigger but failed check"
- if ! (self cansee local.player level.bombusefov level.bomb_use_distance)
- {
- println "failed cansee check"
- }
- if ! (local.player.useheld == 1)
- {
- println "failed useheld check" local.player.useheld
- }
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // second thread... controls axis using the trigger
- //-----------------------------------------------
- bomb_waittill_defuse:
- while ( $(self.trigger_name) )
- {
- self.trigger_name waittill trigger
- local.player = parm.other
- //"local.player.dmteam", can be 'spectator', 'freeforall', 'allies' or 'axis'
- if (local.player.dmteam != self.defusing_team)
- {
- println "failed dmteam check" local.player.dmteam
- goto bomb_waittill_defuse
- }
- local.counter = 0
- while ( (Isalive local.player) && (local.player cansee self level.bombusefov level.bomb_use_distance) && (local.player.useheld == 1) && (self.exploded != 1) )
- {
- if (local.counter == 0)
- {
- local.player stopwatch (level.bomb_defuse_time * .1)
- }
- local.counter++
- wait .1
- if (local.counter >= level.bomb_defuse_time)
- {
- if( local.player.dmteam == "allies" )
- {
- iprintlnbold "The Allies have Defused a Bomb!"
- }
- else if( local.player.dmteam == "axis" )
- {
- iprintlnbold "The Axis have Defused a Bomb!"
- }
- else
- {
- iprintlnbold "A Bomb has been Defused!"
- }
- if (self.defusing_team == "allies")
- {
- self playsound dfr_diffused_d
- }
- else
- {
- self playsound den_diffused_d
- }
- level.planter = NULL
- //start first thread again
- thread bomb_waittill_set
- self.live = 0
- end
- }
- }
- if (local.counter > 0)
- {
- local.player stopwatch 0
- }
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // third thread... times the bomb and makes it explode at the right time
- //-----------------------------------------------
- bomb_waittill_explode:
- self model items/explosive.tik
- self playsound plantbomb
- self loopsound bombtick1
- local.start_time = level.time
- while (level.time < (local.start_time + level.bomb_tick_time) && (level.StopBomb == 0) )
- {
- wait .1
- if (self.live != 1)
- {
- self stoploopsound
- end
- }
- if (level.time == (local.start_time + level.bomb_tick_time - 10) )
- {
- self stoploopsound
- self loopsound final_countdown
- }
- }
- self stoploopsound
- if( level.StopBomb == 0 )
- {
- thread bomb_explode
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // fourth thread... controls the explosion
- //-----------------------------------------------
- bomb_explode:
- self.trigger_name remove
- thread jitter_large 0
- if (self.exploder_set != NIL)
- {
- exec global/exploder.scr::explode self.exploder_set
- }
- if (self.explosion_fx != NIL)
- {
- self thread spawn_fx self.explosion_fx
- }
- if (self.explosion_sound != NIL)
- {
- self playsound self.explosion_sound
- }
- if (self.target != NIL)
- {
- self.target thread blow_up
- waitframe
- }
- radiusdamage (self.origin + (0 0 128)) level.bomb_damage level.bomb_explosion_radius
- if (self.killarea != NIL)
- {
- self.killarea volumedamage 1000
- }
- self hide
- self.live = 0
- self.exploded = 1
- level.targets_destroyed = level.targets_destroyed + 1
- // we delay the decrementing of level.bombs_planted so that the script has
- // time to determin the winner before the timelimit gets checked and hit
- wait 0.5
- // trigger self.relay
- println "Bomb explode.. Calling relay thread!"
- waitthread self.relay level.planter
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Do some fx
- //-----------------------------------------------
- spawn_fx local.fx:
- local.temp = spawn script_model model local.fx
- local.temp.origin = self.origin
- local.temp anim start
- wait 5
- local.temp remove
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Do some fx
- //-----------------------------------------------
- spawn_damaged local.model:
- local.damaged = spawn script_model model local.model
- local.damaged.origin = self.origin
- local.damaged.angles = self.angles
- end local.damaged
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // jitter large effect
- // jitter_large [delay]
- //-----------------------------------------------
- jitter_large local.time:
- if (local.time)
- wait local.time
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .35 10 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .23 6 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1 1 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1.25 .3 0 1
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Blow up a thing
- //-----------------------------------------------
- blow_up:
- if (self.destroyed_model != NIL)
- {
- local.damaged = self thread spawn_damaged self.destroyed_model
- }
- if( self.target != NIL )
- {
- self.target thread blow_up
- }
- self remove
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Stop the bomb!
- //-----------------------------------------------
- StopBomb:
- level.StopBomb = 1
- end